
Product Overview Dimension Drawing Technical Parameter Download Center
Product Overview

Urine Collection Bag

The bag is connected to a urinary catheter and used for collecting patients' urine or other drainage fluids. It can be fixed at the bedside or attached and move with the patient.

Performance Structure

The product is made of medical polymer materials. It comprises a catheter, bag body, bedside clamp, hook, bottle body (sub-bag), sampling valve, drain valve, etc. The product is for single use.

Applicable Department

All clinical departments in the hospital.

Scope Of Application

Collection of rrine or other drainage fluids.

Dimension Drawing
Technical Parameter
Class PML PSN Code
Urine Collection Bag
1000ml 147811
2000ml 147812
1500ml 147821
2000ml 147822
2000ml 147832
2800ml 147842
3100ml 148843

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